With this library/framework you can create a FacebookLive video via code, using java. When you create a Live Video this will be showed in your page/profile To use this library you first need to generate an access token (look TOKEN.md)
For support ask on http://stackoverflow.com/ and insert facebooklive4j-api-v1 tags in your question
Create facebook.properties file (look src/test/resources/facebook.properties) and place it in your project root
Import facebook jar file (located in dist folder) in your project
Look Example.java for code example.
If you want provide a different wrapper (not recommend) to call web api you need create a java class extends AbstractFacebookLiveClient and implements IFacebookClient. Here provide you custom implementation If you want provide a different mechnism (not recommend) to read configuration (for example a DB rather a file), you must create a java class and extends AbstractConfiguration. Here provide your custom implementation. In this case you need override loadConfig() Then call factory with the your full name class's and path to your config file and populate prop hashmap (look src/main/java/facebook/api/interfaces/AbstractConfiguration.java)
IFacebookClient facebookCustom = factoryFacebookLive.getFacebookClient(
If you want provide a different wrapper implementation and path properties file
IFacebookClient facebook2 = factoryFacebookLive.getFacebookClient(
Config file is a singleton. If during your execution you need to load different config you need call clearConfig() and after this istruction re-call factory
IFacebookClient facebook3 = factoryFacebookLive.getFacebookClient("/facebook.properties_2");
To default the core code look for config file (facebook.properties) file in root of you project If you want use default implementation but you place your config file not in defualt place, you can call factory in this way
IFacebookClient facebook3 = factoryFacebookLive.getFacebookClient("/my/custom/path/facebook.properties");
In Example.java you can find simple snippet code to use this library.