AH Delivery Checker checks AH website and post available delivery slots to a slack channel via slack webhook. It uses playwright to visit the website and get relevant cookies, before issuing the api call.
To run locally, use the following command and replace the environment variables with yours:
docker build -t ah-checker .
docker run -it -e SLACK_WEB_HOOK=https://hooks.slack.com/services/foobar \
-p 8080:8080 -e "SLACK_CHANNEL=#random" -e POSTCODE=1234AB -e HOUSENUMBER=101 ah-checker
In another shell, simply issue a GET request:
Then you'll receive the available slots in your slack channel.
Here's my setup for Cloud Run:
- Run the container as a Cloud Run service
- Use Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Run every 10 minutes
Note that the Cloud Run container needs 2GB memory to run.
Reference: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/triggering/using-scheduler