This is a collection of information and links intended to be useful to developers of ECMAScript engines and tooling. Pull requests are most welcome! :^)
Note ESNext indicates that the engine generally targets the latest ECMAScript standard without major exceptions.
- esvu - esvu is your one-stop shop for all implementations of ECMAScript
- jsvu - JavaScript (engine) Version Updater
- eshost - A uniform wrapper around a multitude of ECMAScript hosts
- eshost-cli - Run ECMAScript code uniformly across any ECMAScript host
- ECMA-262 - ECMAScript Language Specification
- ECMA-402 - ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
- test262 - Official ECMAScript Conformance Test Suite
- LibJS tests - Tests developed for LibJS with a Jest-like framework
- - Daily runner of test262 for many engines
- - test262 results for various engines (defunct as of 2022-09)
- - test262 results for Boa
- - test262 results for LibJS (AST, bytecode, parser tests)
- bterlson/test262-harness - Experimental harness for test262, uses eshost
- linusg/libjs-test262 - test262 runner for LibJS
- LibJS
- Custom test runner for the LibJS tests
TODO: Babel, Sucrase, SWC
- ECMAScript proposals
- TC39 - Ecma TC39 committee standardizing ECMAScript
- WinterCG - Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group