CMMCDB is a suite of utilities for importing the Cybersecurity Model Maturity Certification (CMMC) model framework into a normalized database structure (i.e.: Django active record model). It includes capabilities for importing the original PDF distributed by OUSD(A&S) and then exporting various other formats including OpenXML and JSON.
- Django, Python app framework used for active record, database abstraction, etc.
- camelot-py, for parsing the PDF and extraction of tabular data.
# Get the code
git clone
cd cmmcdb
# Setup venv and get dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Create the sqlite database
./ migrate
# Setup basic structures (populate domains and maturity levels)
./ bootstrap
# Convert the PDF and import it into the database
./ importpdf /path/to/cmmc.pdf
# Export to an Microsoft Excel compatible OpenXML document
./ exportxlsx
# Export to JSON (formatted as a Django fixture)
./ dumpdata --indent 2 cmmcdb