sayang complects the definition of a Clojure(Script) function with its specification.
A useful summary of any function is the combination of its name, its expectations about the input and guarantees of its output. clojure.spec provides this kind of function summary with the s/fdef macro. With clojure.spec, definition and specification of a function are separated concerns and there are good reasons for that decision. To quote Alex Miller:
"There's a lot of value in separating the specs from the functions. You can put them in different places and only use just the specs (to spec an API for example) or just the functions (for production use where you don't need the specs)."
Still, when you try to read or change a function, it is helpful to have the specification right next to the implementation. Additionally, if you need to change the number or the order of the function parameters, you only have to change it once. That is why you can optionally complect definition and specification of a function with sayang.
While sayang values a resemblance to the syntax of prismatic/schema, it values not interfering with the functionality of Cursive more. Use the resolve macro as-Feature of Cursive to get the same tooling as function definitions with clojure.core.
If you do not like the syntax or any other design decisions of sayang, you might want to have a look at:
- the
macro of Orchestra - Ghostwheel
- Speck
- Provisdom/defn-spec
- danielcompton/defn-spec
sayang is available from Clojars. Add the following dependency to your deps.edn or project.clj:
Generation of specifications is turned off by default. To activate it add jvm-opts for Clojure and JVM-based ClojureScript REPLs.
(defproject sayang-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[orchestra "2017.11.12-1"]
[org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.1.143"]
[me.lomin/sayang "0.3.0"]]
:profiles {:dev {:jvm-opts ["-Dme.lomin.sayang.*activate*=true"]}})
Figwheel-REPL in Cursive:
Additionally, activate the toggle manually in your code:
Once activated, you need a runtime dependency to org.clojure/test.check.
- in place function specification at definition
- partial specification
- support for destructuring
- auto generate specs for multiple arities
- reference other specs
- data DSL for homogeneous collections
- data DSL for tuples
- global switch to toggle specification
(ns me.lomin.sayang.api-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]
[me.lomin.sayang :as sg]
#?(:clj [orchestra.spec.test :as orchestra]
:cljs [orchestra-cljs.spec.test :as orchestra])))
(sg/sdefn basic-usage {:ret string?
:fn #(<= (:x (:args %))
(count (:ret %)))}
[[x :- int?]]
(str x))
(deftest basic-usage-test
(is (= "1" (basic-usage 1)))
(testing "Fails :fn spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(basic-usage 2))))
(testing "Fails :args spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(basic-usage "5")))))
(orchestra/instrument `basic-usage)
(sg/sdefn int-identity {:args (spec/cat :x int?)}
(deftest specs-from-meta-map-test
(is (= 100 (int-identity 100)))
(testing "Fails :args spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(int-identity "100")))))
(orchestra/instrument `int-identity)
(sg/sdefn partial-specs {:ret string?}
[x :- int?]]
(f x))
(deftest partial-specs-test
(is (= "5" (partial-specs str 5)))
(testing "Fails :args spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(partial-specs str "5"))))
(testing "Fails :ret spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(partial-specs identity 5)))))
(orchestra/instrument `partial-specs)
(sg/sdefn sum-first-two-elements
[[[a b] :- (spec/tuple int? int? int?)]]
(+ a b))
(deftest support-for-destructuring-test
(is (= 5 (sum-first-two-elements [2 3 4])))
(testing "Fails :args spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(sum-first-two-elements [2 3])))))
(orchestra/instrument `sum-first-two-elements)
(sg/sdefn make-magic-string {:ret string?}
([[x :- int?]]
(str x "?"))
([[x :- string?] [y :- string?]]
(str x "?" y)))
(deftest multi-arity-test
(is (= "2?" (make-magic-string 2)))
(is (= "2?!" (make-magic-string "2" "!")))
(testing "Fails :args spec for arity-2"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(make-magic-string 2 "!")))))
(orchestra/instrument `make-magic-string)
(defn result-larger-than-min-arg-value? [spec]
(< (apply min (vals (:0 (:args spec))))
(:ret spec)))
(sg/sdefn add-map-values {:ret int?
:fn result-larger-than-min-arg-value?}
[[{:keys [a b c]} :- map?]]
(+ a b c))
(deftest fn-spec-for-multi-arity-test
(is (= -1 (add-map-values {:a 1 :b 0 :c -2})))
(testing "Fails :fn spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(add-map-values {:a -1 :b -2 :c -3})))))
(orchestra/instrument `add-map-values)
(spec/def ::number? number?)
(sg/sdefn number-identity [[x :- ::number?]]
(deftest reference-to-speced-keywords-test
(is (= 2 (number-identity 2)))
(testing "Fails :args spec"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(number-identity "2")))))
(orchestra/instrument `number-identity)
(sg/sdefn call-with-7 [[f :- (sg/of make-magic-string)]]
(f 7))
(deftest of-test
(is (= "7?" (call-with-7 make-magic-string)))
(testing "'identity' does not fulfill fdef of 'make-magic-string'"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(call-with-7 identity)))))
(orchestra/instrument `call-with-7)
(sg/sdefn speced-add {:ret number?}
[[xs :- [number?]]]
(apply + xs))
(deftest every-spec-data-dsl-test
(is (= 105 (speced-add (range 15))))
(testing "a string is not a number, therefore xs is no homogeneous collection any more"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(speced-add (cons "1" (range 15)))))))
(orchestra/instrument `speced-add)
(sg/sdefn sum-of-pos-pos-neg-tuple {:ret number?}
[[tuple :- [pos? pos? neg?]]]
(apply + tuple))
(deftest tuple-spec-data-dsl-test
(is (= 0 (sum-of-pos-pos-neg-tuple [1 2 -3])))
(testing "Fails tuple spec of :args"
(is (thrown? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:cljs :default)
(sum-of-pos-pos-neg-tuple [1 2 3])))))
(orchestra/instrument `sum-of-pos-pos-neg-tuple)
Thanks to Jeaye Wilkerson for figuring out how to get around CLJ-1750.
Sayang (사양) means specification in Korean.
Copyright © 2018 Steven Collins
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.