pillow 头像生成,中文或英文首字母或者随机像素化。
Using pillow for generate avatars, first letter of string in Chinese and English or random pixel like avatars.
参考了 https://github.com/maethor/avatar-generator 和 https://github.com/richardasaurus/randomavatar
参考 app.py
,用了 celery,再 Docker 化做成微服务。
python app.py # python 单进程
gunicorn app:app -c gunicorn.conf # four worker and gevent
celery -A app.celery worker --loglevel=info --autoscale=4,2 # celery job queue
用 Docker 运行请注意 app.py
里面的 app.config.update()
Redis 作为 Celery 的 Broker,
redis host 用 docker-compose.yml 的 container_name avatar-gen-redis
docker-compose up
两个 API,都是 GET
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5000/api/v1/letter_avatar?size=128&string=lsdvincent@gmail.com&filetype=PNG'
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5000/api/v1/pixel_avatar?size=128&string=lsdvincent@gmail.com&filetype=PNG'
pip install git+https://github.com/lsdlab/avatar-gen.git
生成出来的是 image byte array,自己用 PIL 保存。
generate result is image byte array, you need to save to file using PIL.
import io
from PIL import Image
from avatar_gen.letter_avatar import LetterAvatar
from avatar_gen.pixel_avatar import PixelAvatar
# generate letter avatar in Chinese or Enginlish character
image_byte_array = LetterAvatar.generate(size=128, string="lsdvincent@gmail.com", filetype="PNG")
# image_byte_array = LetterAvatar.generate(size=128, string="lsdvincent@gmail.com", filetype="PNG")
file_path = "/Users/Chen/PythonProjects/avatar-gen/letter_avatar.png"
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_byte_array))
# generate pixel avatar
pixel_avatar = PixelAvatar(rows=10, columns=10)
image_byte_array = pixel_avatar.get_image(size=128, string="lsdvincent@gmail.com", filetype="PNG")
file_path = "/Users/Chen/PythonProjects/avatar-gen/pixel_avatar.png"
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_byte_array))
# or you can save image file using instance function
# return pixel_avatar.save(
# image_byte_array=image_byte_array, save_location='pixel_avatar.png')
Test session starts (platform: darwin, Python 3.6.3, pytest 3.5.0, pytest-sugar 0.9.1)
rootdir: /Users/Chen/PythonProjects/avatar-gen, inifile:
plugins: sugar-0.9.1, flask-0.10.0, django-3.1.2
test_avatar_gen.py ✓✓ 100% ██████████
Results (0.16s):
2 passed