A quick and dirty SNP annotator. Only annotates SYNONYMOUS, NONSYNONYMOUS, STOP, STOPLOST, or NA. NA stands for "not assessed."
Does not work on multisnp sites or indels.
Step 1: download the latest release and decompress it somewhere,
e.g., $HOME/bin/.../
and then cd
into the annapotater folder.
cd annapotater
perl Makefile.PL
cpanm --installdeps .
make test
# Make install is optional, if you want to put the script in $HOME/bin
make install
annapotater.pl t/data/MN908947.3.gbk t/data/SRR12894848.vcf.gz
Give it a genbank file with CDS features and sequence,
and the next parameter is a gzipped VCF file.
Use --prot
to include protein translations.
Use --all
to output all sites, useful as a passthrough.
Prints vcf to stdout. Only prints sites that are annotated.
Adds a notation onto the INFO field with the key EFF
If you give --prot
, will also have a field AA=
- perl and perl modules:
- BioPerl
- Array::IntSpan
Sounds like "annotator" but:
Tomato, tomato
Potato, potato
Anna, anna
And also, in some places, 'tater' is slang for 'potato.'