See in the link
- Todo app was developed based in a model by
- This is the second project developed during the mentorship tutored by Pedro Marins and Henrique de Andrade. This first version was the result of 7 days of coding.
- 📌It's part of 13 days of coding in a row, where my first project, which lasted 6 days was a login-form validation page
Status: Developing
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size ✅
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page ✅
- Add new todos to the list ✅
- Mark todos as complete ✅
- Delete todos from the list
- Filter by all/active/complete todos ✅
- Clear all completed todos ✅
- Toggle light and dark mode ✅
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Mobile-first workflow
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
Throughout this project, I had the opportunity to practice and improve my knowledge of JavaScript programming.
I learned to create and append HTML elements to the DOM using JavaScript methods: document.createElement()
and appendChild()
, it was also possible to learn about adding, and setting the element’s attributes.
const inputCheckTodo = document.createElement("input");
inputCheckTodo.type = "checkbox"; = "task-" + i; = "check-todo";
const todoLabel = document.createElement("label");
todoLabel.innerHTML = newTask.value;
My next step will be focused on filtering the TODO list between completed and active tasks, deleting the TODO line before tasks are completed, and implementing the toggle dark/light mode.
- Pedro Marins and Henrique de Andrade.
- Tutors, Rosana Mascena, and colleagues from the mentorship "Coquiste sua vaga" - class 23.