2D sandbox game written in rust
wont be updating this repo anymore
new rewrite in lumixing/astatine-test
will continue dev when i learn more about bevy
dont wanna be writing so many rewrites due to my lack of knowledge :(
still in like pre-pre-pre-alpha
updating whenever :)
- cool chunk manager which manages the world using 32x32 block chunks
- revolutionary procedural world terrain generation
- never seen before physics and collisions
- primitive player movement
- cutting edge debugging tools
- debugging text
- draw collision boxes
- draw chunk boundaries
- crashes
- and a lot more to come!
written in rust and using:
- bevy as the game engine
- https://github.com/lumixing/old-astatine (rust)
- https://github.com/lumixing/astatine-kt (kotlin)
- https://github.com/lumixing/astatine-java (java)
- https://github.com/egordorichev/LastTry (java)
- https://github.com/jmrapp1/TerraLegion (java)
- https://github.com/hexabeast/HexBox (java)
- https://github.com/ktualhu/Minecube-Terraria-clone (java)
- https://github.com/NaulaN/Terraria-javafx (java)
- https://github.com/nazarlvr/Game-project (java)
- https://github.com/sreich/ore-infinium (kotlin)
- https://github.com/FergusGriggs/Fegaria-Remastered (python)