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GitHub Action

Actions SemVer Checker


Actions SemVer Checker


Actions SemVer Checker

Checks the version tags for your action repository to ensure the correct versions will be picked


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Actions SemVer Checker

uses: jessehouwing/actions-semver-checker@v1.0.2

Learn more about this action in jessehouwing/actions-semver-checker

Choose a version

Actions SemVer Checker Action

Every time you publish a new version of a GitHub Action, say v1.2.3, it's customary to also update the tags for v1.2 and v1 to point to the same commit. That way people can subscribe to either an exact version or a floating version that's automatically updated when the action's author pushes a new version.

Unfortunately, GitHub's creative use of tags doesn't do this automatically and many actions don't auto-update their major and minor versions whenever they release a new patch.

You can run this action for their GitHub Action's repository to ensure the correct tags have been created and point to the correct commits.

Example output:

WARNING: Ambigouous version: v1 - Exists as both tag (f43a0e5ff2bd294095638e18286ca9a3d1956744) and branch (f43a0e5ff2bd294095638e18286ca9a3d1956744)
ERROR: Version: v1.0.0 does not exist and must match: v1 ref f43a0e5ff2bd294095638e18286ca9a3d1956744


- uses: actions/checkout@v3
  # Check out with fetch-depth: 0
    fetch-depth: 0

- uses: jessehouwing/actions-semver-checker@v1

Future updates

I expect to update this action to automatically update the major and minor version when a new patch version is created.

And for it to generate the correct git commands to manually correct an existing action.