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AWS EC2 Describe Instance

v2 Latest version

AWS EC2 Describe Instance


AWS EC2 Describe Instance

Describes an AWS EC2 instance


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: AWS EC2 Describe Instance

uses: truemark/aws-ec2-describe-instance-action@v2

Learn more about this action in truemark/aws-ec2-describe-instance-action

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AWS EC2 Describe Instance Action

LICENSE Latest Release GitHub closed issues GitHub closed pull requests build-test

This GitHub action will describe an EC2 instance and output the details


      - name: Describe arm64 Instance
        id: ec2-describe-arm64
        uses: truemark/aws-ec2-describe-instance-action@v3
          instance-id: ${{ steps.ec2-arm64.outputs.instance-id }}
          region: "us-east-2"


Name Type Required Description
instance-id string Yes Instance ID to describe
region string Yes AWS region to use


Name Type Description
instance-id string The instance ID of the EC2 instance
image-id string The AMI used to launch the instance
instance-type string The instance type of the EC2 instance
private-dns-name string The private DNS name of the EC2 instance
private-ip-address string The private IP address of the EC2 instance
public-dns-name string The public DNS name of the EC2 instance
public-ip-address string The public IP address of the EC2 instance
state string The state of the EC2 instance
architecture string The architecture of the EC2 instance
instance-lifecycle string The instance lifecycle of the EC2 instance
json string The full JSON response from the API


Install node version 16

Install the dependencies

$ npm install

Build the typescript and package it for distribution

$ npm run build && npm run package

Run the tests ✔️

$ npm test