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GitHub Action

Create HTML redirects

v1.1.0 Latest version

Create HTML redirects


Create HTML redirects

Creates HTML redirects (pages with meta http-equiv=refresh tags)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Create HTML redirects

uses: TravisSpomer/create-redirects@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in TravisSpomer/create-redirects

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Create redirects

A GitHub Action that builds redirect pages using <meta http-equiv="refresh"> into a folder containing already-built static website files, allowing you to simulate routing rules on a static website host (such as Azure Blob Storage) that doesn't support routing rules.

What you'll need

  • A GitHub Actions workflow that builds your static website.
  • A list of redirect files you want created in the JSON format described below.


Here's an example of how to use the action in your workflow.


name: Deploy website

    branches: [ main ]

    name: Build and deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Install Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: 12.x
    - name: Build website
      run: |
        npm install
        npm run build
    - name: Create redirects
      uses: TravisSpomer/create-redirects@v1.1.0
        output-path: build
        routes: staticwebapp.config.json



Required. The location of your built site files, relative to the root of the repo.

For example, for a Next.js site exported with next export, the generated static files are in a folder called "out". SvelteKit with the static adapter uses "build".


Required. The location of your staticwebapp.config.json file, relative to the root of the repo. This can be any location and does not have to be inside output-path. The file doesn't actually have to be called staticwebapp.config.json but you probably should name it that or routes.json.


Required. The canonical URL of your published site.

staticwebapp.config.json format

Specify the set of redirect files you want to create using a staticwebapp.config.json file. This file is in the same format as the Azure Static Web Apps configuration file. Only the routes array in this file is used; the rest is ignored.

  "routes": [
    { "route": "/contact", "redirect": "/email" },
    { "route": "/about.html", "redirect": "" }

Each object in the routes array has two properties:

  • route: The path that will redirect to another location, relative to the root of the website and starting with a slash.
  • redirect: The path that route will redirect to. This can be a relative or absolute path, including on another server entirely.
    • This can also be named serve for compatibility with the schema used for a preview version of the Azure Static Web Apps service.

Any object that does not contain both route and redirect (or serve) is ignored.

This action is © 2021 Travis Spomer but released to the public domain under the CC0 1.0 license. This license does not apply to external libraries referenced by this action; only the action itself. It is provided as-is and no warranties are made as to its functionality or suitability.