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GitHub Action

Current date time

v1.4.0 Latest version

Current date time


Current date time

Get current date time


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Current date time

uses: kaven-universe/github-action-current-date-time@v1.4.0

Learn more about this action in kaven-universe/github-action-current-date-time

Choose a version


- name: Test1
  id: t1
  uses: Kaven-Universe/github-action-current-date-time@v1
    format: "YYYY_MM_DD HH_mm_ss_SSS"
# Use the output from the `t1` step
- name: Output1
  run: |
    echo "The time was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.time }}"
    echo "The year was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.year }}"
    echo "The month was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.month }}"
    echo "The day was ${{ }}"
    echo "The hours was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.hours }}"
    echo "The minutes was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.minutes }}"
    echo "The seconds was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.seconds }}"
    echo "The milliseconds was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.milliseconds }}"
    echo "The day_of_week was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.day_of_week }}"
    echo "The week_of_year was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.week_of_year }}"
    echo "The milliseconds_since_epoch was ${{ steps.t1.outputs.milliseconds_since_epoch }}"
- name: Test2
  id: t2
  uses: Kaven-Universe/github-action-current-date-time@v1
    format: "YYYY年MM月DD日 HH:mm:ss.SSS"
    timezone-offset: -480
# Use the output from the `t2` step
- name: Output2
  run: |
    echo "The time was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.time }}"
    echo "The year was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.year }}"
    echo "The month was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.month }}"
    echo "The day was ${{ }}"
    echo "The hours was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.hours }}"
    echo "The minutes was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.minutes }}"
    echo "The seconds was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.seconds }}"
    echo "The milliseconds was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.milliseconds }}"
    echo "The day_of_week was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.day_of_week }}"
    echo "The week_of_year was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.week_of_year }}"
    echo "The milliseconds_since_epoch was ${{ steps.t2.outputs.milliseconds_since_epoch }}"