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GitHub Action

Git matching commits

v2.0.9 Latest version

Git matching commits


Git matching commits

Returns a string with commits in the current repository with messages matching a regular expression"


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Git matching commits

uses: rmeneely/git-matching-commits@v2.0.9

Learn more about this action in rmeneely/git-matching-commits

Choose a version


This GitHub Action returns a space separated string of all git commit SHAs within a merged commit where the commit message matches a commit message pattern. Note that the commit_message_pattern is against merged commits (i.e. Pull Request merges), not individual commits within the Pull Request. The order of the returned commits is according to committerdate

NOTICE: In v2 the commit_message_pattern is against merged commits e.g. PR commit messages not against individual commit messages. This means if a merged commit matches the commit_message_pattern all commits within that merged commit will be returned regardless of their individual commit messages.


    - uses: rmeneely/git-matching-commits@v2
        start_tag_pattern: regex
        end_tag_pattern: regex
        commit_message_pattern: regex


All inputs are optional. If not set the default value will be used.

Name Description Default
start_tag_pattern regex expression to match the starting tag v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]
end_tag_pattern regex expression to match the ending tag HEAD
commit_message_pattern regex expression to match a returned commit .*
commit_type The type of commits to match (merge, all) merge
github_labels Comma separated list of GitHub labels used to identify matching commit none
github_repository <owner>/<repository> - Required if either gethub_labels or release_notes_file is set none
github_token GitHub token - Required if either gethub_labels or release_notes_file is set none
release_notes_file Write release notes to filename none


    # Returns a string containing all matching merged commits where the merged commit message contains the text [Hotfix] (case-insensative)
    # The range of merged commits is between the latest commit with tag matching the start tag pattern and the current branch HEAD
    - uses: rmeneely/git-matching-commits@v2
      id: git-matching-commits
        start_tag_pattern: 'v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.0'
        commit_message_pattern: '\[Hotfix\]'
    - name: Get matched commits
      run: echo "MATCHED_COMMITS=${{ steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.commits }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV

Matches either a string within the merged commit, or a GitHub Pull Request label 'hotfix'

    # Returns a string containing all matching merged commits where the merged commit either:
    Has a PR title containing the text [Hotfix] (case-insensative). The range of merged commits is between the latest commit with tag matching the start tag pattern and the current branch HEAD
    The merged commit Pull Request has a GitHub Pull Request label of 'hotfix'
    Creates a file named release-notes containing the GitHub PR release notes for matching commits
    - uses: rmeneely/git-matching-commits@v2
      id: git-matching-commits
        start_tag_pattern: 'v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.0'
        commit_message_pattern: '\[Hotfix\]'
        github_labels: hotfix
        github_repository: myorganization/myrepo
        github_token: ${ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }
        release_notes_file: release-notes
    - name: Get matched commits
      run: echo "MATCHED_COMMITS=${{ steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.commits }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV


steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.commits      # Set to space separated list of matched commit SHAs
steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.count        # The number of matched commits
steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.first_commit # The first commitSHA in the list
steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.last_commit  # The last commitSHA in the list

steps.git-matching-commits.outputs.commits=f9e96e6afbf893795c3c5f44d968b19fa51925cc e5b84631f0824d9e8c57d44893abdae96917aab9 186e65812e63c80fbf3690723454ebc5f09fb05b 0f3e43604075eafe0a432cc4d4f1bb421aa800c3 285f45cb9871d3b6cf9758700f85fb51436dbcd2


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