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GitHub Action

Job Summary URL

v1.0.0 Latest version

Job Summary URL


Job Summary URL

Calculates the job summary URL and other job related URLs which are not available by default


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Job Summary URL

uses: ipdxco/job-summary-url-action@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in ipdxco/job-summary-url-action

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Job Summary URL

The action calculates the permalink to the job summary for a given job ID. It also provides links to the run, job, and the raw summary which are not available in the workflow run context by default.

If no inputs are provided, the action will calculate the URLs for the currently runnnig job.

NOTE: github.job, the default for the job parameter, refers to the job ID rather than its' name. That's why it is quite likely you will have to provide the job name explicitly. See the test for example.


Name Description Required Default
repository The owner and repository name. Defaults to GITHUB_REPOSITORY. true github.repository
server_url The URL of the GitHub server. Defaults to GITHUB_SERVER_URL. true github.server_url
workflow The name or the id of the workflow. Defaults to GITHUB_WORKFLOW. true github.workflow
run_id The id of the workflow run. Or latest. Defaults to GITHUB_RUN_ID. true github.run_id
run_attempt The number of the attempt of the workflow run. Or latest. Defaults to GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT. true github.run_attempt
job A unique string for the workflow run job. Or latest. Defaults to GITHUB_JOB. true github.job


Name Description
run_url The URL of the run
job_url The URL of the job
job_summary_url The URL of the job summary
job_summary_raw_url The URL of the raw job summary


- id: exp
  uses: pl-strflt/job-summary-url-action@v1
- run: echo '${{ steps.exp.outputs.job_summary_url }}'
  shell: bash