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GitHub Action

Kestra Deploy Action


Kestra Deploy Action


Kestra Deploy Action

Create, update or delete a list of resources from a folder recursively


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Kestra Deploy Action

uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@v0.0.2

Learn more about this action in kestra-io/deploy-action

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Deploy Action

Official GitHub Action to create a CI/CD pipeline that deploys Flows or Templates to your Kestra server.

This action should be used within a workflow that runs only on your main branch.

Important notes ❗️

Only one namespace can be specified in each Kestra Deploy Action so you may need to reuse the action for each namespace. Here is an example:

      - name: deploy-prod
        uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@develop
          namespace: prod
          directory: ./flows
      - name: deploy-prod-marketing
        uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@develop
          directory: ./flows/marketing

Also, note that this GitHub Action supports flows built with Kestra v0.6.1+.

What does the action do ?

It takes a directory as an input argument, indicating the directory within your repository where your Flow or Template YAML files are stored.

For each resource, the following outcomes are possible:

  • Create a flow or a template resource, if the resource does not exist.
  • Update a flow or a template resource, if the resource exists.
  • Delete a flow or a template resource, if the resource exists, but the file does not exist anymore (i.e. the flow or template file got deleted).
    • You can disable the deletion of a given resource by setting delete: false in the action, as shown in the full example below.

The action logs all these outcomes by specifying which resources got updated, added or deleted.


Note that the action can NOT update multiple namespaces at the same time. We recommend grouping your Flows and Templates into subdirectories indicating a specific namespace. For the example shown above, your directory structure could look as follows:

├── flows
│   ├── flow1.yml
│   ├── flow2.yml
│   └── flow3.yml
├── marketing
│   ├── marketing__flow1.yml
│   ├── marketing__flow2.yml
│   └── marketing__flow3.yml

Also, you should always deploy your Templates before your Flows, to avoid running before their templates are created.


Inputs Required Default Description
namespace ✔️ Namespace containing your flows and templates
directory ✔️ Folder containing your resources
resource ✔️ Resource you want to update in your namespace, can be either flow or template
server ✔️ URL of your Kestra server
user User name of your Kestra server
password Password of your Kestra server
delete true Flows found in Kestra server, but no longer existing in a specified directory, will be deleted by default. Set this to false if you want to avoid that behavior


Depending on your Kestra edition, you may need to include a user and password to authenticate the action with your Kestra server.


Example with Flows resources:

      - name: flow update namespace action
        uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@develop
          namespace: io.kestra.namespace
          resource: flow
          directory: ./flows/namespace_dedicated_folder
          server: https:/

Example with Templates resources:

      - name: template update namespace action
        uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@develop
          namespace: io.kestra.namespace
          resource: template
          directory: ./templates/namespace_dedicated_folder
          server: https:/

Full Example

Assuming that you store all your flow YAML files in the flows directory and that all flows belong to the namespace prod, you can configure a GitHub Action workflow by creating the following file (you can store the file as .github/workflows/main.yml):

name: Kestra CI/CD
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: deploy
        uses: kestra-io/deploy-action@develop
          namespace: prod
          directory: ./flows
          resource: flow
          server: ${{secrets.KESTRA_HOST}}
          user: ${{secrets.KESTRA_USER}}
          password: ${{secrets.KESTRA_PASSWORD}}
          delete: false

This setup also assumes that you stored the host name, user name and password as Actions secrets.

Finally, instead of only running this workflow manually, you can configure it to be triggered upon push to the main branch:

name: Kestra CI/CD
      - main