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GitHub Action

Lint Ren'Py Project


Lint Ren'Py Project


Lint Ren'Py Project

Lint your project against a specified Ren'Py SDK version


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Lint Ren'Py Project

uses: ProjectAliceDev/renpy-lint-action@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in ProjectAliceDev/renpy-lint-action

Choose a version

Lint Ren'Py Project

This GitHub action allows you to run the linter on a Ren'Py visual novel project in a workflow for testing purposes.


- name: Lint VN project
  uses: ProjectAliceDev/renpy-lint-action@master
    sdk-version: ''

Note: This action will assume that the Ren'Py project is the repository's root rather than a separate directory.

Required Parameters:

  • sdk-version: The version of the Ren'Py SDK to use while linting. Will default to 7.3.2 if none is found.