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GitHub Action

PHPUnit Coverage Check

1.0.0 Latest version

PHPUnit Coverage Check


PHPUnit Coverage Check

Run PHPUnit Coverage Check via GitHub Actions


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PHPUnit Coverage Check

uses: ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action@1.0.0

Learn more about this action in ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action

Choose a version

PHPUnit Coverage Check Github action

Run PHPUnit Coverage Check as a github action.


This action makes use of code from psalm/psalm-github-actions. Without them, I admittedly would have been lost. Much of the code being used from them are for the Dockerfile, action.yml,, and .github/workflows/watch.yml files.

Version Information

Each release will indicate which version of PHPUnit Coverage Check is being used.

Basic Usage

You can use the Docker image directly:

name: PHPUnit Coverage Check

on: [push, pull_request]

    name: PHPUnit Coverage Check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # ... your steps to run PHPUnit and generate a clover file ...

      - name: Coverage Check
        uses: docker://
          clover_file: 'build/logs/clover.xml'
          threshold: 100

Or, the GitHub marketplace action:

       - name: Coverage Check
-        uses: docker://
+        uses: ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action@1.0.0

Using a different version

You can also specify a specific PHPUnit Coverage Check version. Currently supports PHPUnit Coverage Check 2.0.0 and greater.

       - name: Coverage Check
-        uses: docker://
+        uses: docker://

Detailed Usage

There are four main possible inputs, beyond customizing Composer and ssh authentication.


The clover.xml file to be parsed. It must be a valid, PHPUnit generated, clover report.


The threshold that determines the acceptable amount of coverage. Must be at least 1 and no more than 100.


Whether only the percentage of coverage is returned. Accepts boolean values (true or false).


Whether to process and display coverage for all files found within the clover report. Accepts boolean values (true or false)

An example

Below is an example workflow that uses PHPUnit to run unit tests and generate the clover report, and ties in this action to parse it.

name: PHPUnit Coverage Check

on: [push, pull_request]

    name: PHPUnit Coverage Check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Install PHP ${{ matrix.php }}
        uses: shivammathur/setup-php@master
           php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
           extensions: mbstring, 
           coverage: xdebug, pcov
           tools: composer:v2

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress

      - name: Run test suite
        run: ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover clover.xml

      - name: Coverage Check
        uses: docker://
          clover_file: 'clover.xml'
          threshold: 100

Customising Composer

Specify composer_require_dev: true to install dev dependencies and composer_ignore_platform_reqs: true in order to ignore platform requirements.

These are both set to false by default.

       - name: Coverage Check
         uses: docker://
+        with:
+          composer_require_dev: true
+          composer_ignore_platform_reqs: true

Use relative dir

If your composer file is not in the directory, you can specify the relative directory.

Use the following config:

       - name: Coverage Check
         uses: docker://
+        with:
+          relative_dir: ./subdir

Auth for private composer repositories

If you have private composer dependencies, SSH authentication must be used. Generate an SSH key pair for this purpose and add it to your private repository's configuration, preferably with only read-only privileges. On Github, for instance, this can be done by using deploy keys.

Add the key pair to your project using Github Secrets, and pass them into this action by using the ssh_key and ssh_key_pub inputs. If your private repository is stored on a server other than, you also need to pass the domain via ssh_domain.




    - name: Coverage Check
      uses: docker://
        ssh_key: ${{ secrets.SOME_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        ssh_key_pub: ${{ secrets.SOME_PUBLIC_KEY }}
        # Optional:
        ssh_domain:, and are automatically added to the list of SSH known hosts. You can provide your own domain via ssh_domain input.