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GitHub Action

RabbitMQ in GitHub Actions

v1.1.0 Latest version

RabbitMQ in GitHub Actions


RabbitMQ in GitHub Actions

Start a RabbitMQ message broker as Docker container


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: RabbitMQ in GitHub Actions

uses: Namoshek/rabbitmq-github-action@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in Namoshek/rabbitmq-github-action

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RabbitMQ in GitHub Actions

Start a RabbitMQ message broker in your GitHub Actions.


This GitHub Action starts a RabbitMQ message broker as Docker container. The published ports, TLS certificates and the RabbitMQ configuration can be adjusted as needed.

This is useful when running tests against an MQTT broker.


name: Run tests

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Git checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Start RabbitMQ
        uses: namoshek/rabbitmq-github-action@v1
          version: '3.8.9'
          ports: '1883:1883 8883:8883'
          certificates: ${{ github.workspace }}/.ci/tls-certificates
          config: ${{ github.workspace }}/.ci/rabbitmq.conf
          definitions: ${{ github.workspace }}/.ci/definitions.json
          container-name: 'mqtt'
      - run: test

Currently, the following parameters are supported:

Parameter Default Description
version latest An image tag of the rabbitmq Docker image
ports 1883:1883 Port mappings in a [host]:[container] format, delimited by spaces (example: "1883:1883 8883:8883")
certificates - Absolute path to a directory containing certificate files which can be referenced in the config (the folder is mounted under /rabbitmq-certs in the container)
config - Absolute path to a custom rabbitmq.conf configuration file to use
definitions - Absolute path to a custom definitions.json definition file to use (requires using a x.y.z-management image version or enabling the rabbitmq_management plugin)
plugins - A comma separated list of plugins to enable (overrides the image default)
container-name rabbitmq The name of the spawned Docker container (can be used as hostname when accessed from other containers)

All parameters are optional. If no certificates directory path is given, no volume is mounted. If no config is given, the default RabbitMQ config is used. If no definitions file path is given, no definitions are loaded on startup.


This action is published under the MIT license.