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GitHub Action


v3.0.1 Latest version




Verifies, builds, versions and documents a plugin release to npm


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: release-npm-action

uses: tobua/release-npm-action@v3.0.1

Learn more about this action in tobua/release-npm-action

Choose a version



GitHub action to version and document a plugin release to npm using semantic-release.

  • Creates tag for current version.
  • GitHub release for tag with release notes based on commit messages.
  • Publishes release to npm.
  • Release triggered through release-npm commit annotation or manual run.
  • No additional commits made.
  • No version required in package.json.
  • No project dependencies necessary.
  • npm provenance support.


Add steps to build and test before the release as usual.

name: release

# Run action on every commit to main, release only when requested through commit annotation.
    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm test
      - uses: tobua/release-npm-action@v3
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

Request Release

release-npm in Commit Body

To request the next commit to be released if the pipeline passes add a remark to the commit message. Check out this blog post detailing semantic versioning and including a tool to generate commit messages including a release annotation.

feat(component): implement swipe and dot functionality for Intro


If a release-npm token is found in the body a release will be triggered. Patch, minor or major release type will be decided based on the commit history.

fix(component): improve swipe behavior [release-npm]

The annotation can be placed anywhere in the commit message.

Manually Triggered Workflow

Alternatively, a release can be manually triggered without annotated commits. This requires the action to run on the workflow_dispatch trigger. When that is added a workflow can be triggered from the GitHub workflow UI for this action. The UI dialogue will prompt for an input which is set to 'regular' by default and when submitted with this value will trigger a manual release.

Open example of manual release workflow
name: push

# Runs always on commits, will only release when requested, see below.
    branches: [main]
        description: Manually trigger regular release?
        default: regular
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # ...
      - uses: tobua/release-npm-action@v3
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
          # Hand over manual input trigger.
          MANUAL_TRIGGER: ${{ github.event.inputs.manual }}

Options / Inputs

The following options can be passed to the action.

Option Values Required Description
NPM_TOKEN string true npm Automation or Publishing token.
GITHUB_TOKEN string false GitHub token automatically created by GitHub, defaults to repository scoped token.
MANUAL_TRIGGER 'regular' false Manually trigger a release even without commit annotation.
CHANNEL string false dist-tag to publish the npm release on, default latest.
DRY_RUN 'true' false Release in dry mode (no publish).
DEBUG 'true' false Run in debug mode.
FAIL_ON_SKIP 'false' false Disable action failing when release requested but not published due to no relevant changes.
FOLDER string false Optional folder where the package to publish resides. Plugin only works with one package.

version, channel and tag are available as output variables after a successful release.

npm Provenance

In order to publish your package with the contents signed have been built on GitHub in the linked repository add the following npm publishConfig to the package.json.

  "publishConfig": {
    "provenance": true
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write # Required to mint token for npm package provenance
      contents: write # Needed to create and write release notes in GitHub release
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # ... install, built, test etc.
      - uses: tobua/release-npm-action@v3
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

Provenance Requirements

  • Node.js > 18 and npm > 9.5 (GitHub Action default)
  • Provenance enabled in publishConfig, .npmrc or with npm publish --provenance flag
  • Package already exists - will not work on first publish!
  • id-token and contents permissions (minting token and publishing GitHub release in repository)
  • Repository must be public


The first version for a plugin release defaults to 1.0.0 and cannot be changed. The next version is based on the commit history since the latest release and also cannot be changed.

Workaround To publish the first release below create an empty tag with a version below the one desired. So, to start publishing at 0.1.0 create a v0.0.1 tag on an earlier commit after which there are commits with feature which bumps the minor.


There are no relevant changes, so no new version is released. This happens if the commits since the last release don't contain any changes that would make it into the release. Note that commits with ci type don't need a release as by convention this only touches CI files which aren't published.

If you run into any issues with the action the likely cause is with semantic-release. You can try it out locally by running npx semantic-release --branches main --dry-run --no-ci without publishing anything.