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GitHub Action

RSS Feed to Markdown

v1.1.5 Latest version

RSS Feed to Markdown


RSS Feed to Markdown

Converts RSS feed entries to Markdown files


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: RSS Feed to Markdown

uses: keiranlovett/rss-feed-to-markdown@v1.1.5

Learn more about this action in keiranlovett/rss-feed-to-markdown

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RSS Feed to Markdown

This GitHub Action converts RSS feed entries to Markdown files. It fetches the RSS feed, extracts relevant information from each entry, and generates Markdown files using a provided template.


  • feed_url (required): The URL of the RSS feed.
  • template_file (required): The path to the template file.
  • output_dir (required): The directory where the generated Markdown files will be saved.

Example Usage

name: RSS Feed to Markdown

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Set up Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '16'

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run RSS Feed to Markdown Action
        uses: keiranlovett/rss-feed-to-markdown@main
          feed_url: ''
          template_file: 'assets/'
          output_dir: '_posts/events/'

Please note that you need to replace '' with the actual URL of the RSS feed you want to convert, 'path/to/' with the path to your template file, and 'path/to/output' with the desired output directory path.

Template File

  1. Create a new Markdown file named
  2. Customize the template to fit your desired output format. You can use Markdown syntax and add placeholders for dynamic content.
  3. Identify the parts of the template that you want to be replaced with actual values from the RSS feed entries. Placeholders include [ID], [DATE], [LINK], [TITLE], [DESCRIPTION], [CONTENT], [MARKDOWN], [AUTHOR], [VIDEO], [IMAGE], [CATEGORIES], [VIEWS], [RATING].
  4. Replace the corresponding parts in the template with the desired placeholders. For example:
title: [TITLE]
date: [DATE]
keywords: [CATEGORIES]
description: >
##### [AUTHOR]


Make sure to use meaningful placeholders that align with the content you want to display in the generated Markdown files. These placeholders will be replaced with the actual values from the RSS feed entries during the conversion process.

Feel free to adjust the template according to your needs, including adding more metadata or formatting options. The template allows you to control the structure and appearance of the generated Markdown files.


Feel free to customize the workflow and inputs based on your specific use case.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let me know!