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GitHub Action


v0.3 Pre-release




Download AL-Language vscode extention and setup path to alc in PATH


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: setup-al

uses: segesdk/setup-al@v0.3

Learn more about this action in segesdk/setup-al

Choose a version

GitHub Action - Setup-AL

This action is used to setup a Business Central build environment based on the AL Language compiler.

This GitHub Action will:

  1. Download the AL-Language vsix extension for Visual Studio Code
  2. Setup the environment variable PATH to alc.exe for the .NET 5 version in bin\win32

Getting started

Add the following action to your workflow and use alc.exe through out your workflow job. The action can take 2 parameters

  1. version: specifying the desired version to install from Visual Studio Code marketplace. E.g. 9.0.605172. See for version history
  2. alternativeDownloadUrl: you can specify your own alternative download url, for self hosting the binaries and circumventing the rate limit policy on vscode marketplace. See
- name: Setup AL compiler
  uses: segesdk/setup-al@3454bb07d3c88bdee2ef90ed5ee572e5ea1560d3
    version: 9.0.605172

Note: best practice is to always review the code for latest commit and only reference the action with a SHA and not a version. This ensures that the contributors cannot alter the code running in your pipelines. E.g. uses: segesdk/setup-al@3454bb07d3c88bdee2ef90ed5ee572e5ea1560d3


This is currently in pre-production and being testet. Note the action is only usable on a windows build runner at the moment. Note also that currently the vsix extension package is download from the Visual Studio Marketplace, which enforce a rather aggressive rate policy. This means that the action, when not using the alternativeDownloadUrl, can only be invoke a certain number of times a minute. Issue regarding this -> microsoft/AL#7003 (comment)