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GitHub Action

Skeleton Builder

v1.0.1 Latest version

Skeleton Builder


Skeleton Builder

Creates fully functional Grav skeleton packages that include all the necessary dependencies


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Skeleton Builder

uses: getgrav/skeleton-builder@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in getgrav/skeleton-builder

Choose a version

Grav Skeleton Builder

GitHub Action to create fully functional Grav skeleton packages that include all the necessary dependencies.

This action role is only capable of creating a skeleton package, in order to automate uploading the resulting packages into your GitHub releases for GPM, you will need a full workflow as explained below.

Setup workflow

After having made sure your repository Skeleton follows Grav's guidance, head over to your repository on GitHub.

Note that your Skeleton must have a proper .dependencies file in order for the builder to work. Take a look at the official Grav Blog Site Skeleton for a reference.

  1. Create a new workflow file under .github/workflows/build-skeleton.yaml, GitHub simplifies this process, you can copy and paste the path above after clicking on Add file -> Create new file


  2. Paste the following content into it and then commit:

    name: Build Skeleton
        types: [ published ]
            description: 'Target tag for re-upload'     
            required: true
            default: ''
            description: 'Which Grav release to use'
            required: true
            default: 'latest'
            description: 'Create also a package with Admin'
            required: true
            default: true
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Extract Tag
            run: echo "SKELETON_VERSION=${{ github.event.inputs.tag || github.ref }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          - name: Generate Skeleton Packages
            uses: getgrav/skeleton-builder@v1
              version: ${{ github.event.inputs.version || 'latest' }}
              admin: ${{ github.event.inputs.admin || true }}
          - name: Upload packages to release
            uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
              repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              tag: ${{ env.SKELETON_VERSION }}
              file: dist/*.zip
              overwrite: true
              file_glob: true
  3. You are now ready to build your skeleton.

How to use

The workflow in combination with this action supports the creation of Skeleton packages in two ways:

  1. Automatically: every time a new release of your skeleton is published on GitHub, the workflow will run, generate the packages and upload them on your just published release.
  2. Manually: if you don't have anything to release but you want to rebuild the packages to use the latest version of Grav or any of your Skeleton dependencies, you can use this way.

To use the automatic mode, you don't have to do anything other than follow the standard procedure of GitHub release. Once a new Release is created, the workflow will spin off.

The Manual mode, instead, can be reached in GitHub under Actions -> Build Skeleton -> Run workflow, where you will have to specify the release tag version you are targeting to rebuilt.


Assuming your latest Skeleton release is v1.0.0 but a new version of Grav was released and you want to update your packages, you would run the Manual workflow and type v1.0.0 as target tag. All the existing packages from that version will get now overwritten and will contain the latest version of Grav and the Skeleton dependencies.


This action comes with a set of useful input parameters that can be used for customizing the build.

  1. version (default: latest): The Grav version to utilize for building the Skeleton package. There is no reason for using anything but latest unless you are testing something.
  2. admin (default: true): Whether a second package should be created that includes Admin. Note that when this is set to true this will generate 2 packages, one with admin and one without.
  3. exclude (default: <empty>): A space separated list of file/folder names to be excluded from getting packaged (ie, C* *private/*). [check out also the built-in exclusions.]
  4. filename_version (default: true): By default the packages get created with the version of the release appended to the filename. If this is not desired, disabling this will omit the version.
  5. verbose (default: false): Will output everything happening in the action, useful for debugging.

Development / Debugging

This action comes with a built-in workflow that helps with development. By using act, it can be entirely run locally, without the need of pushing to GitHub.

To run the action locally, open your terminal and cd to the location of this file, then simply run act.

Act will run the built-in workflow which is set to point to the file at this location. Any change applied to the file can be tested by re-running act.

Worth noticing is that none of the GitHub environmental variables will be available and you will have to somewhat recreate those. Additionally, workspace_dispatch can only be run from GitHub.