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Xcodebuild Coverage Report

0.1.0 Latest version

Xcodebuild Coverage Report


Xcodebuild Coverage Report

Report xcodebuild test coverage summary and lcov file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Xcodebuild Coverage Report

uses: maxep/xcodebuild-lcov-action@0.1.0

Learn more about this action in maxep/xcodebuild-lcov-action

Choose a version

Xcodebuild lcov action

Xcodebuild Code Coverage Report.

Summary Report

The action will report a test coverage summary in your job logs:

URLConvertible.swift               24                 6    75.00%          16                 4    75.00%          61                 4    93.44%
URLMatchResult.swift               17                 6    64.71%           7                 1    85.71%          26                 3    88.46%
URLMatcher.swift                   25                 4    84.00%           8                 1    87.50%          45                 3    93.33%
URLPatternComponent.swift           9                 0   100.00%           3                 0   100.00%          24                 0   100.00%
TOTAL                              75                16    78.67%          34                 6    82.35%         156                10    93.59%

LCOV Report

The action will also create a coverage file that can be digest by other actions, such as romeovs/lcov-reporter-action that can comment PRs with the coverage report.


derived-data-path (required)

Specify the directory where build products and other derived data can be found.

target (required)

The target name to report.

output-file (optional)

Specify a file path of the coverage report. By default, the coverage will be reported to ./coverage/ If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

file-format (optional)

Use the specified output format. The supported formats are: “text” (JSON), “lcov” (Default).

Example usage

- name: Run tests
  uses: sersoft-gmbh/xcodebuild-action@v1
      project: MyApp.xcodeproj
      scheme: MyApp
      derived-data-path: ./output
      destination: "OS=14.4,name=iPhone 12 Pro"
      action: test
      enable-code-coverage: true

- name: Test Coverage
  uses: maxep/xcodebuild-lcov-action@0.1.0
      derived-data-path: ./output
      output-file: ./output/