A minimal 16-bit RISC CPU written in VHDL. There is no real world purpose for this project other than educational purposes, yet.
The CPU features 16 16-bit wide registers r0 to r15 and 16-bit wide instructions with 16 different opcodes running from ROM. It supports memory mapped I/O for accessing GPIOs and other peripherals. A more detailed description of the ISA can be found in the source code.
This project also includes a very simple assembler for easier code writing and generating machine code.
The CPU was developed and tested with GHDL. Compile the sources and testbench using:
ghdl -a *.vhd && ghdl -e testbench
Then run the testbench:
./testbench --wave=waves.ghw
The resulting waveforms can be viewed using GTKWave:
gtkwave waves.ghw waves.gtkw &
The testbench runs a simple program which multiplies two numbers from registers r0 and r1.
The fpga/
subdirectory contains files for running the CPU on a Spartan 6 Mojo-V3 board.
Sources for the assembler are located in the subdirectory asm/
and can be compiled using make