Here contains the test cases and contract source file. Truffle project is required for testing and deploying. Recommend to use ganache command line version to simulate the ethereum block chain.
The game now is deployed on ROPSTEN at address 0x2A6DFc26999c389Ae7fa22D5C9F3bD82c67DD8AE. You can visit to play the game.
NPM installed
Solidity compiler (solc is recommended)
Follow the instructions below
- Execute command to install required packages
npm i -g truffle ganache-cli
Clone the repository
npm i
under the repository directory
We are using Truffle to compile and deploy the contract. So please make sure that the truffle and ganache-cli are all installed on your system.
To compile the contract, you just use truffle build
. However, there is a script available named
to build
the contract for your convinence. This script also will retrieve the ABI information from Banker.json and the ABI will
be written into build/BankerABI.json file. Copy the ABI json file to other projects to update the contract ABI
Before the procedures of deploying and testing, you must ensure that the network is available. Make sure Ganache cli is installed and execute the following instruction.
ganache-cli --port=7545 -a 20 -b 1 -e 1000 -i 1
Like the build procedure, we also provide a script named
to help the deploying procedure. You need to
provide the network name and the script will deploy the contract to the related network.
For example, you just run ./ development
, the script will deploy the compiled ABI information to the network
which is specified in file truffle.js
. Before the deploying, you need to ensure that the network is available or the
deploying procedure will be failed.
- Run
truffle test
to execute test cases