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1.6 (Athena)

Vishnu Attur edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 11 revisions

Changelog for 1.6 (Codename: Athena)

What's new?

Teaming - Users and Roles

  • Users can now invite other users to their projects. This allows for better collaboration amongst team members, where management and monitoring responsibilities can be shared and delegated.
  • Only the owner of a project can invite other users as he has the ProjectOwner role.
  • During the invitation, the owner can assign a role of ProjectAdmin, ProjectReadAdmin or ProjectMember to the invitee.
  • A ProjectAdmin can manage all the project resources like Clusters, Nodes, Volumes, Applications & Slack configuration. In addition, he can install and upgrade OpenEBS Volumes and Pools, can edit monitoring and alerting configurations, and can perform data migration (DMaaS).
  • A ProjectReadAdmin is the read-only role. He can view the project resources and their monitoring details but cannot create or edit any resource or configuration.
  • A ProjectMember is a restricted role present in the project. He does not have access to any resources nor can he perform any operations.
  • A ProjectOwner can also change the role of an existing member.
  • For more information on teaming and invitations, visit here.

AD Authentication support

  • Administrator can now setup Director to authenticate against his organization's Active Directory.
  • Typically this is needed in large enterprises which rely on Active Directory for SSO.
  • Please follow the instructions here to setup AD authentication.

Minio as Backup store for DMaaS

  • On-premise users can now have their DMaaS backups sent to Minio object store in addition to Amazon S3 and Google Buckets.
  • Please follow the instructions here and here to configure Minio for DMaaS.

DMaaS support for STS

  • DMaaS now supports migration of Kubernetes workloads of kind "Statefulsets".

DMaaS support for multi-volumed applications

  • DMaaS now supports migration of workloads having more than one volume of CAS type cStor.

UI enhancements

  • Project landing screen has been re-designed to give a better summary of its resources.
  • Cluster landing screen has been re-designed to give a better summary of its resources.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in DMaaS where restore was failing due to a mismatch between labels of the application pods and deployment or statefulset.
  • Fixed an issue with UI auto-refresh of DMaaS schedule page.
  • Fixed an issue for supporting monitoring of applications in supporting Kubernetes 1.16 and above.
  • Fixed an issue in application monitoring due to mismatch of label set between the pod and deployment or statefulset.

Known issues

  • If a ProjectReadAdmin tries to invoke an action of create or update, UI may not display proper error message.
  • A user, who is a part of multiple projects, will not be able to open monitoring graphs and logs of different projects in different browser tabs.
  • OpenEBS upgrade dashboard takes time to load while one upgrade is going on.
  • Auto-refresh of the Alerts page over-rides the user-selected filters on the page.
  • Currently, Minio application monitoring only works for Minio with image minio/minio:RELEASE.2019-09-18T21-55-05Z and earlier. The images later than minio/minio:RELEASE.2019-09-18T21-55-05Z have an in-built authentication that needs to be supported by Director.