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qmail cdb.8

Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 6 revisions


qmail-cdb - prepare data in cdb format for qmail.


qmail-cdb -r [ -m ] [ filename ]


qmail-cdb [ -m ] filename


With the -r option, qmail-cdb does a chdir to /etc/indimail directory option and proceeds to read users/filename. You can override /etc/indimail directory by setting SYSCONFDIR environment variable. filename can be omitted to use a default of user/recipients for the -r option.

Without the -r option, qmail-cdb does a chdir to /etc/indimail/control directory and proceeds to read filename. You can override /etc/indimail/control directory by setting CONTROLDIR environment variable.

qmail-cdb then reads the addresses provided in filename (or users/filename for -r option), converts them into lowercase, and writes them into filename.cdb in a binary format suited for quick access by qmail-smtpd, spawn-filter and many other programs. Each line in filename should be a local email address. filename.cdb is compatible with setforward(1)'s generated 'fastforward' cdbs and it's format is portable across machines. If there is a problem with filename, qmail-cdb complains and leaves filename.cdb alone. filename.cdb is created in the same directory as filename.

qmail-cdb ensures that filename.cdb is updated atomically, so qmail-smtpd or spawn-filter never has to wait for qmail-cdb to finish. However, qmail-cdb makes no attempt to protect against two simultaneous updates of filename.cdb.

The -m option moves filename to filename.bak after a successfull conversion to cdb.

The following control files can also be converted to cdb format using qmail-cdb(8).

authdomains, badhelo, badext, badmailfrom, badrcptto, blackholedsender, blackholedrcpt, chkrcptdomains, goodrcptto, relaymailfrom, spamignore, greylist.white, tlsa.white, tlsadomains, morercpthosts, badip, and recipients.


qmail-sql(8), cdb-database(8), qmail-smtpd(8), spawn-filter(8), setforward(1), fastforward(1), qmail-multi(8), make-recipients(8) test-recipients(8)

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