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User Management FAQ

Fred edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 25 revisions

Resolving an eCHIS-KE Logic Error

This error happens when vital information is missing on the Community Health Unit. You'll need to add the information onto the CHU to resolve this.

Deleting an empty CHU or CHP Area

This is useful for removing duplicates but only works when the place you want to delete has no data in it. So you can't delete a CHU with CHP areas like this; or a CHP area with households. The "trick" is that you need to delete the "contact" within the area, and then you can delete the empty area.


How to Reset an Existing CHP's password

Follow these steps to Reset an Existing Password.

Error fetching tasks or Error fetching targets

Error fetching tasks or Error fetching targets can look like either of these: image image

This error can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most frequently cause is that the user's account was not properly created. Typically, accounts in this state were created without the User Management Tool.

Recommended steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Login to the User Management Tool for your instance
  2. Follow the steps to Replace a CHP, replacing the CHP with a new CHP with the exact same name and phone number
  3. Login using the CHP's new credentials

If this does not resolve the issue, please escalate on the User Management Support WhatsApp channel. Please share the instance and the username.

Change User Language


For a better app experience

If a user sees this error


For a better app experience, please contact your administrator or supervisor. Let them know to update cht-android.

Confirm the following:

  1. Confirm you are not using the eCHIS training app. This error is visible to all users on the training app.
  2. Upgrade to the latest Android System Webview
  3. Upgrade to the latest eCHIS Kenya App

Managing the Contact Hierarchy

Moving a CHP or CHU

Follow these steps to Moving an Existing Place with the User Management Tool. This will get you to this screen with blue rectangle: image

Soon you will be able to move contacts with one click, but currently this is not yet ready. The solution that we have today is "partially automated". What you are seeing in blue is a technical command which needs to be given to the eCHIS Technical Team. Please copy the command and paste it into this document?

Our team will execute the commands every few days and report status in the document

Renaming a CHU

Select the CHU and then click "Edit"

Data in eCHIS is not showing in the User Management Tool

Please click "Refresh". This pulls the latest info in eCHIS into the User Management Tool. image

How can a CHA correct a CHP name or phone number

You should use these steps only to correct spelling mistakes or edit phone numbers. If you want to change the CHP who is managing the area, you should Replace an Existing Community Health Promoter so fresh credentials are issued and the old credentials are deactivated.


Merging Duplicate CHPs or CHUs

Deleting a CHP Area

Missing places in search suggestions

User managers can be assigned new places in the CHT if they need to see suggestions from these new places in the UMT forms

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 16-35-15 App Management