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CronitorCLI Modified Version

Please attention, this version isn't compatible to official , but to self-hosted version.

before you run

cp .env.example .env

Set API_HOST in .env

What I Modified

  • Add several additional fields for cron job queue() when running cronitor discover:
    • Queue (return which hive queue it use if crontab job script file is related to hive, or "")
    • CommandToRun (the whole line of cronjob)
    • RunAs (which user run this cronjob)
    • Host
  • Improve createTags by parsing crontab job script file, now support(see CheckMap in cmd/discover.go for more details):
    • hive
    • oracle
    • snowball (clickhouse)
    • hdfs
    • hadoop
  • Set API_HOST via .env file

Command line tools for

CronitorCLI is the recommended companion application to the Cronitor monitoring service. Use it on your workstation and deploy it to your server for powerful features, including:

  • Import and sync all of your cron jobs
  • Rich integration with Cronitor
  • Power tools for your cron jobs


CronitorCLI is packaged as a single executable for Linux, MacOS and Windows. There is no installation program, all you need to do is download and decompress the app into a location of your choice for easy system-wide use.

For the latest installation details, see


CronitorCLI version 28.8

Command line tools for See for details.

  cronitor [command]

Available Commands:
  activity    View monitor activity
  configure   Save configuration variables to the config file
  discover    Attach monitoring to new cron jobs and watch for schedule updates
  exec        Execute a command with monitoring
  help        Help about any command
  list        Search for and list all cron jobs
  ping        Send a single ping to the selected monitoring endpoint
  select      Select a cron job to run interactively
  shell       Run commands from a cron-like shell
  status      View monitor status
  update      Update to the latest version

  -k, --api-key string        Cronitor API Key
  -c, --config string         Config file
  -h, --help                  help for cronitor
  -n, --hostname string       A unique identifier for this host (default: system hostname)
  -l, --log string            Write debug logs to supplied file
  -p, --ping-api-key string   Ping API Key
  -v, --verbose               Verbose output

Use "cronitor [command] --help" for more information about a command.




  • Go 78.4%
  • Shell 21.6%