LabText.h is now a single file text parsing utility.
To use LabText.h, include it in your project, and include it at once defining LABTEXT_ODR to cause the functions to be compiled into your program.
There are two interfaces to LabText; the old char* oriented version, and a new interface based around a StrView struct. The char* interfaces are deprecated and will be removed.
StrView is extremely simple, and has no std dependencies or affordances. The sole purpose of StrView is to represent a non-owning view on a buffer of char.
struct StrView
char const* curr;
size_t sz;
bool operator==(StrView const& rhs) const
return sz == && !strncmp(curr, rhs.curr, sz);
bool operator!=(StrView const& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
There are several utilities available for StrView. In general, they take a StrView, and return a new StrView of remaining unprocessed input.
The functions are listed here, and documented only if non-obvious, or if the return is not a StrView of remaining unprocessed input.
WS, where it appears, is an abbreviation for Whitespace.
Alphanumeric refers to letters and numbers.
bool IsEmpty(StrView const& s);
StrView GetToken(StrView s, char delim, StrView& result);
StrView GetTokenWSDelimited(StrView s, char delim, StrView& result);
StrView GetTokenAlphaNumeric(StrView s, StrView& result);
StrView GetTokenAlphaNumericExt(StrView s, char const* additional_characters, StrView& result);
StrView GetString(StrView s, bool recognizeEscapes, StrView& result);
StrView GetInt16(StrView s, int16_t& result);
StrView GetInt32(StrView s, int32_t& result);
StrView GetUInt32(StrView s, uint32_t& result);
StrView GetHex(StrView s, uint32_t& result);
StrView GetFloat(StrView s, float& result);
StrView ScanForCharacter(StrView s, char delim);
StrView ScanBackwardsForCharacter(StrView s, char delim);
StrView ScanForWhiteSpace(StrView s);
StrView ScanBackwardsForWhiteSpace(StrView s);
StrView ScanForNonWhiteSpace(StrView s);
StrView ScanForTrailingNonWhiteSpace(StrView s);
StrView ScanForEndOfLine(StrView s);
StrView ScanForEndOfLine(StrView s, StrView& skipped);
StrView ScanForLastCharacterOnLine(StrView s);
StrView ScanForBeginningOfNextLine(StrView s);
StrView ScanPastCPPComments(StrView s);
StrView SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(StrView s);
StrView Expect(StrView s, StrView expect); // if expect not found return equals s
StrView Strip(StrView s); // strips leading and trailing whitespace
std::vector<StrView> Split(StrView s, char split);