The SEAT Web App is a sentiment analysis web app which aims to democratize sentiment analysis for non-technical users.
This is a sentiment analysis tool meant to help users extract tweet data on their interested topic, and run sentiment analysis on that data.
Step 1: Extraction of tweets through Twitter API using keywords chosen by users
Step 2: Filter out irrelevant data and discard them using keywords chosen by users
Step 3: Categorise relevant data using topics chosen by users, and their corresponding keywords.
Step 4: Sentiment analysis is performed using pre-trained NLP model(s)
Setup local Python environment
$ virtualenv venv
Enter Twitter consumer key and consumer secret key into env variables
Edit your PostgreSQL database credentials in /projects/
'default': {
'ENGINE': (engine),
'NAME': '(name)',
'USER': '(user)',
'PASSWORD': '(password)',
'HOST': '(host URL)',
'PORT': '(port number)'
Start Django local server in command line
$ python runserver
Go to the localhost URL provided by Django, and have fun exploring SEAT!