A solidity library for verifying elliptic curve signatures in Ethereum (wrapper around
ecrecovery(hash, sig) ->
{bytes32} hash - 32 byte sha3 (keccak256) hash of original message data
{bytes} sig - 65 byte signature string
ecverify(hash, sig, account) ->
{bytes32} hash - 32 byte sha3 (keccak256) hash of original message data
{bytes} sig - 65 byte signature string
{address} signer - 20 byte address of proposed signer
const {sha3} = require('ethereumjs-util')
const account = '0xa462d983B4b8C855e1876e8c24889CBa466A67EB'
const msg = Buffer.from('some data')
const sig = web3.eth.sign(account, `0x${msg.toString('hex')}`)
// https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/3731
const prefix = Buffer.from('\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n');
const pmsg = `0x${sha3(Buffer.concat([prefix, Buffer.from(String(msg.length)), msg])).toString('hex')}`
var signer = await ECVerify.ecrecovery(pmsg, sig)
console.log(signer) // "0xa462d983B4b8C855e1876e8c24889CBa466A67EB"
var verified = await ECVerify.ecverify(pmsg, sig, account)
console.log(verified) // true
truffle test