Experimental video conference app
This app explores new ways of building webapp using state of the art technologies.
Deno : a new runtime for executing Javascript / Typescript / WASM outside of the web browser. It is made by Ryan Dahl author of Node.js https://deno.land/v1
WebRtc : This open-source project is now deeply used by video conferencing app. But could we push it a bit further ? (AV1 codec, QUiC, encryption, AI, ...) https://webrtc.org/
ES Modules : bundlerless frontend development. How to stay/improve coding productivity and reduce javascript fatigue.
Rust : Deno is made using this language. Using WASM we could create powerfull code to handle WebRtc communication as fast as possible.
CI : Github actions is a powerfulll CI tool to help us deploy seamless to Heroku / Dokku / AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- WIP - Signaling server : room management, user management
- TODO - Tests / coverage
- TODO - Migrate to Typescript
- WIP - React interface
- TODO - Tests
- TODO - SDP parser
- WIP - Deploy to Heroku
- TODO - Tests
- TODO - Deploy to Dokku
- TODO - Deploy to AWS
- Rust SDP parser
- More to come
- Deno latest version : https://github.com/denoland/deno_install
- a browser compatible with ESM: https://caniuse.com/#search=modules
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
Released under MIT License