A Discord Bot which takes in an input of several users, fetches their KDA and Rank, and breaks them up into two evenly matched teams for custom games.
The input is special character based, however it is not that complicated. Begin the input with "!vcreate", then space, then enter the users and ids. Each user must have a "-" in between their name and id. After typing an id, seperate this user with the next one by a "/". Avoid spaces that are not included in a username.
Example discord message input: !vcreate userone-7661/usertwo-1234/aNoTherUser-NA1/a third user-NA1
npm install
enter bot key in .env file
npm start
Of course, you will also need to connect it with your discord server https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html .
At the moment, while the data for KDA is fetched, the sorting algorithm only looks at the rank. I would like to implement the KDA into this as well.