My name is Michele Fresneda Alarcon, I am a PhD student in the Neutrophil lab (@LivNeutrophil) at the Universtity of Liverpool. I am looking at the metabolome of neutrophils using proton NMR to determine key differences between healthy and rheumatoid arhtitis patients. In addition to my research I am interested in data analysis, machin learning models and development of apps (shiny) for slick and fast reporting.
apart from my PhD project (which takes alot of my time)
- beetlesNMR: an R package which for analysis of NMR metabolomics data based on my reporting needs which include scaling and normalisation, PCA and PLS-DA plots, PLS-DA classification metrics, correlation reliability score, and much more.
- ShinybeetleNMR: a shiny app built upon the beetlesNMR package which provides quick reporting and fast data exploration. without the need to work directly with R and Rstudio. App available here
- Alumni FC shiny: a Shiny application where I showcase some interactive plots using the Alumni F.C. (amateur football club I play for in Liverpool) team stat data. accessible here
- Other side projects involving shiny applications
- learning python in my spare time
- I'm an ex gymnast and can still do all sort of flips. My favourite apparatus was the high bar and I competed in the Italia Serie A (premier league) of gymnastics
- I speak fluently English, Italian and Spanish
- I had no coding experience before March 2020 (when the pandemic started) and now I'm hooked on it
- I appreciate good memes