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Andreas Auernhammer edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

The KES server provides a metrics API endpoint that exposes various server metrics in the Prometheus exposition format.

Prometheus Configuration

1. Generate Prometheus Credentials

The Prometheus server has to authenticate to KES, and therefore, needs access credentials.

$ kes identity new --key client.key --cert client.crt prometheus

  Private key:  client.key
  Certificate:  client.crt
  Identity:     2169daa644eb18b41d85214a20f7272d449e85ef4f1bf3e2609fbe3fa7ca00cd
2. Create KES Policy

At the KES server, we need to create a policy that allows Prometheus to scrape the metrics.

    - /v1/metrics
    - 2169daa644eb18b41d85214a20f7272d449e85ef4f1bf3e2609fbe3fa7ca00cd # Use the identity of your client.crt

The KES server needs to be restarted after its configuration file has been modified.

3. Create Prometheus Scrape Config

As the last step we have to configure Prometheus to use the TLS client certificate when scraping the KES metrics. Therefore, we use the following Prometheus scrape config:

  scrape_interval:     15s
  evaluation_interval: 15s

  - job_name: KES
    scheme: https
      cert_file: client.crt
      key_file:  client.key
      # ca_file: public.crt           # Optionally, specify the KES server CA certificate or the self-signed KES server certificate. 
    metrics_path: /v1/metrics
      - targets: ['localhost:7373']   # Specify KES endpoint.

Once the KES server and the Prometheus server has been started, Prometheus should detect and display a new KES target.


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