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iMecLib Features Overview

mkraska edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 5 revisions

Switchable Objects

Many objects used to build system sketches can be activated or deactivated by doubleclick.

So the student can deactivate support elements ("fix1", "fix12", "fix123", "fix13", "bar") in order to create a free body diagram.

Also, line loads ("q") can be deactivated, this is useful if they are to be replaced by their resultant force.

Interactive Free Body Diagrams

Active and Inactive Forces and Moments

"force" and "moment" objects can be active or inactive. The state can't be switched interactively by the student but is rather specified in the init variable.

Active forces/moments can be placed in the init configuration (then their name is fixed) or created by mouse drag from force/moment generator objects ("forceGen", "momentGen"). Then the name can be specified before dragging. They can be deleted by dragging at least one point outside the window.

So in order to change the name of a force/moment, delete the existing one and create a new one with the correct name.

Interactive Free Body Diagrams

Interactive Splines

"spline" objects are used to provide interactive curve sketching. Currently, the x position of spline segments is fixed, the student can manipulate the function value and the slope at the boundaries of a segment.

Double click shows/hides the control points.

If the initial state is set to "pure", the spline is just a segment of the curve for graph display. This is just an alternative to the "line" object, which can be used to display arbitrary curves, specified by lists of x and y values

Diagrams with scaling and crosshair

Cross hair

The "crosshair" object is a movable crosshair with coordinate display for reading off values from diagrams.

Diagrams with scaling and crosshair

Axes Scaling

The "grid" object can be used to provide fixed scales for the tick labels. Scaling is also available for the "spline" and "crosshair" objects. Yet the question author has to take care of the consistency of the scales.

Diagrams with scaling and crosshair

Objects for Mohr's Circle.

The objects "circle2p" and "line2p" are meant for interactive sketches of Mohr's circle (graphical solution of 2D eigenvalue problem)

Mohr's Circle

Tryout Space

In order to try code snippets in jsfiddle,

  1. copy the code from the wiki page to the clipboard
  2. follow the link for the JSXGraph version you want to try
  3. Replace the code in the HTML section (contents of <p hidden id="init">) with the content of the clipboard
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