Codelit is the fastest way to create React-based code challenges and courses. Codelit simplifies the learning and teaching process by equipping coders with powerful and easy-to-use tools to create, curate, and share interactive and SEO-ready code challenges easily with dev communities worldwide. Codelit is powered by React, Gatsby, GraphQL, and Firebase.
- Rich content editor with IDE embeds.
- Live React code editor with a live preview built into each course.
- Data and metrics collection about student's learning and skill development.
- Coders can earn points and track their learning over time. Authors have similar analytic tools to track learning for their students.
- All courses and communities are SEO friendly.
JAMstack JavaScript, APIs, and Markup
- ReactJs (hooks, context api, global state, and higher order components)
- Material UI Component library, JSS styling and theming
- Jest unit and snapshot testing and other testing libraries and dependencies
- Percy visual and UI testing
- Husky and commitizen for sanity check
- TypeScript, ESlint and Prettier
- Google Cloud & Firebase All your Backend needs
- Contentful content storage and CDN
- Circle CI build verify and deployments
- Netlify Back up build verify and deployment
Other Tools
- Storybook component library playground
- Codacy code quality check
- Sentry monitors front-end and log errors
- snyk monitors vulnerabilities in dependencies