is simply two scripts which saves a bookmarks and retrieve a bookmark. The idea is to have a global bookmark file to use anywhere you want not just a specific browser, also some browser dose not offer sync option.
- The two scripts allows you to choose between
, that can be done through the variableMETHOD
by default does not grab keyboard output and return it (as far as i know), but I got you covered you can apply the provided patch file with the following command
$ cd path_to_dmenu/
$ git apply path_to_patch/dmenu-userinputtext-20230225-db84b38.diff
$ make
$ sudo make clean install
It will display some warnings, it is fine. you can test the patch through the command
$ dmenu -t
It shall draw dmenu, write something and you can see it returned. The previous behavior is very useful in typing the titles of the bookmarks or the name of the field.
- First make the scripts executable
$ chmod +x path_to_bookmark_scripts/bookmarkthis.sh
$ chmod +x path_to_bookmark_scripts/getbookmark.sh
- Then add this lines to your i3wm config if you are using it
## bookmarks scripts
bindsym $mod+bracketright exec --no-startup-id path_to_bookmark_scripts/getbookmark.sh
bindsym $mod+bracketleft exec --no-startup-id path_to_bookmark_scripts/bookmarkthis.sh
You can refer to the video above to see how you can use the scripts.
1- you copied some link which you want to bookmark
2- click the shortcut you assigned to bookmarkthis.sh
3- choose field or add a new one
4- type the title of of the bookmark or leave it blank
1- just click the shortcut you assigned to getbookmark.sh
2- choose the field which the bookmark is under
3- choose bookmark
4- The url
only copied to clipboard , also url
can be automatically typed where the text cursor occur
you can set it on by changing the value of TYPE=1
instead of TYPE=0
- function to convert the bookmark file to a browsers-compatible HTML file