- Fixed lots of bugs, especially in the editor.
- Improved the layout of the editor
- Fixed shadows not respecting the "Normal Bias" setting of realtime lights.
- Added more options to Specular Highlights
- Fixed a bug where Blinn-Phong specular highlights would always come from the camera (is now a separate feature).
- Added Transparent rendermode (premultiplied alpha).
- Added mask texture for detail normals
- Added "Debug" section to optionally show normals, visualize UV's, or cap the lighting to min/max values.
- Fixed shader optimizer not working properly with multiple materials selected
- Fixed a bug where the intended default toon ramps would not be assigned correctly when switching to the shader.
Unity 2019: Package built with Unity 2019.3.2f1.
Unity 2018/before: Package built with Unity 2018.4.20f1.
Unity 2019/2020 and up users should get the 2019
version. 2018 and older should get the 2018_VRC