Code name Journey
- Install react-native on your machine:
yarn global add react-native-cli
- Clone this project:
git clone && cd journey
- Install dependencies:
- Start the development server:
yarn start
With a virtual or real device running:
$ react-native run-android
On OSX Android Studio must be launched from the command line in order to inherit $PATH
so that a specific Gradle script inside Realm can run npm --version
Attempting to build using Android Studio that has been launched via the normal OSX icon will fail to build. We've included a shortcut script to help.
$ npm run open-android-studio
$ react-native run-ios
We have found some problems in the workspace after introducing cocoapods. If your project fails to compile because the react native components are not able to compile, probably you will need to add manually the Header search path
In order to do so follow this instructions:
- Go to the Libraries folder and for each dependant project
- Click on the target <project_name> > Build Settings > find Header search path
- For each project you need to enter a specific value (click once on the value):
- For ReactNativeHeading:
- For RNShare:
- For RealmReact:
$(SRCROOT)/../../../../ios/Pods/Headers/Public/React/** $(SRCROOT)/../../../../node_modules/realm/src/** $(SRCROOT)/../../../../node_modules/realm/vendor/core-2.2.0/include/** $(SRCROOT)/../../../../node_modules/realm/vendor/**
- For ReactNativeHeading:
Install the pre-commit hook by running this command:
$ ln -s ./hooks/ .git/hooks/pre-commit
This will ensure that no major issues on the JavaScript syntax will be committed.
The coding styles are defined in the ESLint configuration file. Make sure to run the following command to fix your code style before committing:
$ yarn run fix
If you're looking for a physical web beacon browsing app, go to magnet-client.