Build the future of AI with decentralised Datasets. Create , monetize and explore wide range of datasets completely onchain.
This lets us create a data economy where users are incentivised for sharing valuable datasets to train the AI for the collective good and a better future of mankind. This also prevents the misuse of data.
- Scaffold-eth2 Starter template
- Hardhat & Solidity
- EVM Chains : FVM Calibration Testnet , Scroll Sepolia, Base Testnet
- Wagmi & viem
- Typescript & Next.js 13
- Tailwind CSS & daisyUI
- Clone the Git repository:
- Install project dependencies:
yarn install
- Initialize local blockchain:
yarn chain
- Deploy Smart Contracts:
yarn deploy
- Start the development server:
yarn start
- Access the web app in your browser at http://localhost:3000
DeSetsFactory.sol: Verified Contract
DeSetsFactory.sol: Verified Contract
DeSetsFactory.sol: 0x0B7E379D119C58D8beFB5661e6615BedDAc9C811