In order to launch application follow these steps:
- Make sure Docker is running, and then from the root directory of the project run docker-compose build in the terminal
- After build process is completed run docker-compose up in the terminal
- Application should be launched.
- The PUBLISH_INTERVAL environment variable in .env can be changed to set the interval at which the client is publishing messages. Default publish interval is 5 seconds.
In order to use the REST API endpoint to view messages published and stored in MongoDB follow these steps:
- Navigate to localhost/docs in a browser to view the FastAPI Swagger docs
- Try out the GET /messages endpoint
- You can also use the following command
curl -X GET http://localhost/messages
In order to view the MQTT Client Logs either docker attach to the mqtt_client service or view them through Docker Desktop console, or lazydocker
FastAPI service with the GET /messages endpoint. The endpoint reads all the published messages for the topic which is stored in MongoDB and returns those messages to the user
The client application which subscribes to the topic charger/1/connector/1/session/1, and publishes messages to that topic as well. Messages are published every PUBLISH_INTERVAL. The on_message callback is used in the application to receive a published message and store it in MongoDB.
Database service to store the published messages
MQTT Broker service
- Pagination (skip, limit) for the GET /messages endpoint
- Add testing
- Add query filters to GET /messages endpoint to be able to get messages that meet certain criteria (e.g cost_cents more than a certain value)