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Golang Restfull API

Hello, this is Golang Restfull API using echo go framework, this repository using postgres as databases. and use golang-migrate for database migration mechanisme

Some of the ones implemented in this repository:

  1. Restfull API
  2. Google Sheet Integration
  3. GRPC
  4. Unit Test

GRPC Workflow

  1. case creating book
    User->>API: hit API create book
    API->>GRPC client: API request using grpc client
    GRPC client->>GRPC server: send data book
    GRPC server->>BE: request create book
    BE-->>GRPC server: response create book
    GRPC server-->>GRPC client:response succes/failed
    GRPC client-->>API:response success/failed
    API-->>User:response message

how to run app (makefile run on windows command)

  1. install make to run Makefile command
  2. create database
  3. install golang-migrate using go install -tags 'database1,database2' for example go install -tags 'postgres,mysql'
  4. run the migration use make migrationup
  5. you can run with How to Run APP

How to RUN APP

  1. make tidy
  2. make run

Database Migration Mechanisme

  1. use make migration NAME=your_command to create migration file
  2. fill the migration file based on you requirements
  3. use make migrationup to up your migration
  4. use make migrationdown to rollback all your migration
  5. use make migrationversion to check your migration version
  6. use make migrationchange to force change your migration version

How to create Mock

  1. install mockery
  2. just run this command mockery --all --recursive=true --keeptree or make mock