Sign Metaverse blockchain transactions offline.
Install using npm:
npm install -g mvs-rawsign
Usage: mvs-rawsign [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
sign [options]
generate [options]
decode [options]
You can omit any of the options. You will then get a cli menu to select or enter the missing information.
Usage: decode [options]
--tx [tx] Hex encoded raw transaction
--pretty Pretty JSON format
--network [network] Network to use (default mainnet).
-h, --help output usage information
Consider to use the --pretty option.
mvs-rawsign decode --tx 0200000001ea1a27de1f3cee7c31033b93fd493717b2ff47e756df1185007d65bf7db25455010000006b483045022100f8fa56d4f3015689c01f4557351e858aec4a139d752bc19b322390093393efc3022077d706621c3e36c8b6a90c6d354e8a85dd81d39a4e2fb582c0fd28f3f1a9caec0121034593f54b073ed6a3728056d0f6595d614c717c639a9301761de7c8ef5d5fe1b4ffffffff0201000000000000001976a914f087200b95bd043a134a0cead903e0a3600d79eb88ac0100000000000000db604b00000000001976a9147f8ac2a0179a4eb308c7ae837aed878b5ed25de288ac010000000000000000000000 --pretty
Usage: sign [options]
--tx [tx] Hex encoded raw transaction
--signall Sign all inputs
--index [index] HD index to use
--words [words] Mnemonic words to use for signature
--privatekey [privatekey] Private key to use for signature
--wif [wif] Private key in WIF format to use for signature
--network [network] Network to use (default mainnet).
-h, --help output usage information
You can either use your mnemonic words or a private key. If you use the --privatekey option it will not ask you for a mnemonic. Currently the private key must be 64 characters long.
Output is the signed hex encoded transaction.
mvs-rawsign sign --tx 0200000001ea1a27de1f3cee7c31033b93fd493717b2ff47e756df1185007d65bf7db25455010000006b483045022100f8fa56d4f3015689c01f4557351e858aec4a139d752bc19b322390093393efc3022077d706621c3e36c8b6a90c6d354e8a85dd81d39a4e2fb582c0fd28f3f1a9caec0121034593f54b073ed6a3728056d0f6595d614c717c639a9301761de7c8ef5d5fe1b4ffffffff0201000000000000001976a914f087200b95bd043a134a0cead903e0a3600d79eb88ac0100000000000000db604b00000000001976a9147f8ac2a0179a4eb308c7ae837aed878b5ed25de288ac010000000000000000000000 --privatekey 877dc58c951086ebf8ce94e2c622502605ba20ece2fdebf60d1aff45270cc3d3 --signall
Usage: generate [options]
--count [count] Batch generation of multiple wallets (default 1)
--pk [pk] Set private key data (for testing purpose)
--network [network] Network to use (default mainnet).
-h, --help output usage information
Generates new wallet objects. Without count parameter it will return a single new wallet. If count parameter is given it will return an array of wallets (even if count is set to 1).