This library provides the fundamental building blocks needed to implement a Computer Aided Design (CAD) package. It is broken into three libraries:
- mycad-geometry
- mycad-topology
- [future] mycad-entity
The mycad-geometry
and mycad-topology
libaries are completely independent of
each other. Their only dependencies are the traditional c/c++ runtimes and
standard libraries. You are welcome and encouraged to use either (or both) in
your own projects.
Please see the examples directory for samples that fully compile and run. Here are a few highlights:
int main()
// The plan is for mycad-entity to merge the functionalities of
// mycad-geometry and mycad-topology. Something like this
std::map<mycad::topo::VertexID, mycad::geom::Point> vertices;
std::map<mycad::topo::EdgeID, mycad::geom::Line> edges;
mycad::topo::Topology topo;
// now the user can draw points, connect them into lines, and then we can
// tell them later which are joined together.
mycad::geom::Point p1(10, 10, 0); // similarly p2, p3, p4...
// NOTE: we get the value directly from the `std::optional` because we are
// very confident that these calls will succeed. Generally, this should be
// checked programatically.
auto l1 = mycad::geom::makeLine(p1, p2).value(); // l2, l3
auto v1 = topo.addFreeVertex(); // v2, v3, v4
auto e1 = topo.makeEdge(v1, v2); // e2, e3
auto chain = topo.joinEdges(e1, e2);
topo.joinEdges(e2, e3);
// Here's a visual of what we've created
// v4/p4 v1/p1
// (0, 10, 0) (10, 10, 0)
// ○ ○
// │ │
// │ │
// │e3/l3 │ e1/l2
// │ │
// │ e2/l2 │
// ○ ──────────── ○
// (0,0,0) (10, 0, 0)
// v3/p3 v2/p2
auto edges = topo.getChainEdges(chain); // retrieves e1, e2, and e3
auto [left, right] = topo.getEdgeVertices(e1); // retrieves v1 and v2
auto left = topo.oppositeVertex(right, e1); // retrieves v1
This project can be built using cmake. It uses some c++20 features, so please check your compiler's compatibility with c++20 if you have problems.
If the c++20 stuff is an issue for you, let me know and I can remove it.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you want to run the unit tests, you'll need to install the Catch2 library. If you don't want to (or can't) install it, then you can have cmake fetch a local copy with:
Version | Target Date | Main Feature |
v0.3 | Nov. 2021 | entity can represent a cube |
v0.4 | Jan. 2022 | arc added to geometry - maybe circle |
v0.5 | Mar. 2022 | splitEdge added to topology |
v0.6 | Jun. 2022 | boolean union function added to entity |
v0.7 | Aug. 2022 | boolean subtract function added to entity |
v0.8 | Oct. 2022 | fillet function added to entity |
v0.9 | Nov. 2022 | Topological naming problem from FreeCAD is shown as solved |