Project Ignythe is a set of workshops for BIT Java classes that are part of BIT Scientific Research Group at AGH UST in Poland. The workshops are about learning to build Java applications using Spring Boot framework and other widely used tools to create a system divided into multiple services that fulfill sample business requirements.
You can find here information about the topics such as:
- Java, Groovy, Spock
- Git, Gradle
- Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring JPA
- Flyway, PostgreSQL/H2 databases
- Swagger, REST API
- Micrometer, Grafana, Prometheus
- RabbitMQ
- OAuth2
- and more!
- Workshop #1: Setting up the project
- Workshop #2: Connecting to the database
- Workshop #3: Enhancing API layer
- Workshop #4: Unit and IT testing
- Workshop #5: Securing API
- Workshop #6: Integration between systems
- Workshop #7: Observability
This project is under MIT licence so feel free to use it for your personal purposes ;)
Created by Marcin Zielonka