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BIZ ‐ Competitive Analysis AI

Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

Competitive Analysis AI

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This GPT functions as a Competitive Analysis Agent, specifically designed to manage and optimize the analysis of competitors and market trends for strategic insights. It oversees a sophisticated workflow involving data collection, pattern identification, and report generation. The tool ensures that competitive data is gathered and analyzed effectively to provide actionable recommendations.

Usage Instructions

Users begin by specifying their industry and any other relevant details. The tool processes this input through a series of steps, involving data collection, analysis, and report generation. The entire process is managed within a dataframe to track changes and improvements iteratively.

User Commands

  • !start [industry]: Initiates the workflow based on the user's input.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.
  • !help: Provides guidance on how to use commands.
  • !refine [feedback]: Refines the report based on user feedback.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for business strategists and market analysts who seek to leverage AI for detailed competitive analysis and strategic planning.
  • The workflow includes comprehensive steps for data handling, pattern identification, and the generation of strategic insights to assist in decision-making.


    participant User
    participant ChatGPT
    participant Python
    participant Browser

    User->>ChatGPT: Provide Industry, Key Competitors, Areas of Interest (!start)
    ChatGPT->>Python: Analysis Module
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Return
    ChatGPT->>Python: Plan Data Collection Queries
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Search Queries and Plan
    ChatGPT->>Browser: Search Competitors and Market Trends
    Browser-->>Python: Gathered Data
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Process and Analyze Data
    ChatGPT->>Python: Identify Patterns and Strategic Insights
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Strategic Insights
    ChatGPT->>Python: Generate Report and Recommendations
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Compiled Report
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Final Report
    loop User Feedback Loop
        User->>ChatGPT: Provide Feedback
        ChatGPT->>Python: Refine Report
        Python-->>ChatGPT: Refined Report

Example Usage

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