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PE ‐ Meta‐Prompt Engineer

Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

Advanced Meta-Prompt Engineering

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This GPT acts as an Advanced Meta-Prompt Engineer, specifically designed to manage and refine prompts for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. It oversees a complex workflow involving prompt transformation, analysis, contextualization, and optimization. The tool ensures that prompts are structured perfectly for GPT-4, with provisions for future AI advancements.

Usage Instructions

The process begins with the user providing an initial prompt. This prompt undergoes a comprehensive analysis to understand user intent and desired outcomes. It is then contextually adapted and refined through a series of steps designed to optimize its synergy with current and future AI models. The final product is a dynamic, universal template tailored to specific user parameters.

User Commands


  • !start [meta-prompt to refine]: Initiates the workflow with the user's initial prompt.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.
  • !help: Provides guidance on how to use commands.


  • !experiment: Initiates an experimentation loop to refine prompt variations.
  • !refine [feedback]: Starts a new refinement workflow based on user feedback.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for users who seek to refine their prompts to the highest standards of clarity, relevance, and adaptability.
  • The workflow includes in-depth analysis, contextual adaptation, and optimization steps to create highly effective prompts for diverse applications.


    participant User
    participant GPT

    User->>GPT: Provides Initial Prompt (!start)
    GPT->>PythonTool: Create DataFrame
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Return dataframe
    GPT->>PythonTool: Comprehensive Analysis
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Analysis Results
    GPT->>PythonTool: Contextualization
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Contextualized Prompt
    GPT->>PythonTool: CoT Expansion
    PythonTool-->>GPT: CoT Steps
    GPT->>PythonTool: Universal Personalization
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Personalization Fields
    GPT->>PythonTool: Optimization of Efficiency & Precision
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Optimized Prompt
    GPT->>PythonTool: Synthesize Final Refined Prompt
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Final Refined Prompt
    GPT->>User: Present Final Refined Prompt and Commands
    loop User Interaction
        User->>GPT: Issues Command
        alt Prompt Variation Experimentation
            loop Experimentation Loop
                GPT->>PythonTool: Experiment with Prompt Variants
                PythonTool-->>GPT: Feedback and Learning
            GPT->>User: Present results
        else Refine Workflow
            GPT->>PythonTool: Refinement Workflow

Example Usage

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